Data last published 10/08/2024 12:24 PM
Note: Congaree and Wateree river inflows takes 3-5 days to reach Lake Marion.

The projected times of operation below are subject to change depending upon electrical system and lake management requirements.

Tentative Jefferies Hydro Discharge Times

Date Start Time End Time
10/8/2024 Midnight Midnight
10/9/2024 Midnight Midnight
10/10/2024 Midnight Midnight

Tentative St. Stephen Discharge Times

Date Start Time End Time
10/8/2024 Midnight Midnight
10/9/2024 Midnight Midnight
10/10/2024 Midnight Midnight

USGS Data Links

Lake Elevations

Date Lake Marion Elevation Lake Moultrie Elevation Rule Curve Elevation
10/7/2024 76.19 73.04 75.24
10/6/2024 76.2 72.76 75.25
10/5/2024 76.14 72.13 75.26
10/4/2024 75.69 71.35 75.27
10/3/2024 74.6 70.72 75.28
10/2/2024 72.69 70.3 75.29
10/1/2024 70.58 70.38 75.31

Daily Lake Discharges

Date Jefferies Hydro St Stephen Hydro Spillway Hydro Spilling
10/10/2024 4500 23040 0 0
10/9/2024 4500 23040 0 0
10/8/2024 4500 23040 0 0
10/7/2024 6615.45 20710.89 -164.6 5377.74
10/6/2024 6158.58 15095.42 -164.6 16049.94
10/5/2024 6357.88 13376.5 -164.6 14410.78
10/4/2024 7529 13432.27 -164.58 44974.39
7-Day Average 6665.23 15653.77 -164.6 20203.21

Upstream River Flows

Date Broad River @ Alston Saluda River @ River Banks Zoo Congaree Inflow @ Columbia Wateree Inflow @ Camden
10/7/2024 4364.17 1944.58 7630 7850
10/6/2024 4592.19 1866.35 8770 13425
10/5/2024 4581.77 1866.25 7170.52 17353.13
10/4/2024 7127.29 7759.9 19400 22566.67
10/3/2024 8946.25 13661.46 23312.5 28557.29
10/2/2024 9876.67 16912.5 33085.42 40498.96
10/1/2024 34053.13 17437.5 73067.71 65732.29
7-Day Average 10505.92 8778.36 24633.74 27997.62

Estimated Lake Marion Inflows

Date Santee Cooper
10/8/2024 31164.59
10/9/2024 23590.05
10/10/2024 16949.75
10/11/2024 12303.45
10/12/2024 10858.83